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Resources for Teachers

Welcome to our Resource section!

This section offers classroom materials that utilises the latest innovative teaching technology with the scope of assisting teachers to deliver their teaching in a faster and more effective manner. 

In a number of countries around Europe, such material is being recognised as the new generation of teaching material since three-dimensional structures are being understood spontaneously, thus speeding up learning significantly in all   age categories and for students with different learning abilities. 

A case in particular are the 3D-maps whereby seeing landscapes in various perspectives, continuously discovering new details and experiencing temporary sequences, each class gets an unprecedented superiority in terms of information. 

Teachers can also make use of show-cards (or maxi-cards - size: 21.1cm x 21.1cm) during class explanations to explain, for instance, the planets of our solar system. On the other hand, pupils can do classwork exercise by using planets shown on postcard sizes (14.8cm x 10.5cm) to comprehend better what the teacher is showing.

Pupils will improve their learning experience through repetitive visual 
interaction thus enabling students to effectively establish a link between schooling and their personal experiences where learning becomes more  effective and fun!

What is this material?
How does it work?

Other information further down in this page:

What is this material? How does it work?

Application of True-3D material in Primary and Secondary classes

The True-3D maps and Flip-image maps offer an innovative teaching experience both to teachers and

pupils. Teachers, especially, can use these maps repeatedly to explain a number of scientific or topographical facts

to pupils, who in turn have been observed to interact more with such maps.

True-3D images fascinate both young and old alike, all over the world.

Click on the maps below to discover what each one can offer during class tuition:

Wall Map of Europe

3D Effect

actively participate in interdisciplinary enquiry based learning


engage in problem solving activities


think creatively and critically


question and test the theories they hold of the world around them


work co-operatively


initiate topics of interest


experiment with real materials


apply their knowledge to real life situations


monitor their own progress, enabling them to know the satisfaction of accomplishment.

Application of True-3D material in Primary and Secondary classes

Studies have shown that children learn most effectively when they are exposed to an activity-based learning environment. This means that children can:


Teaching and learning activities should be carefully designed to allow children not only to be actively involved in the learning process but also to take responsibility for their own learning.

In reality, students spend a lot of time listening to their teachers, writing and doing class work in their school environment. However, very often, they do not have the opportunity to apply what they learn. Doing activities through the use of these 3D-learning materials will enable pupils to be interactive in a school environment. The activity really awakens their curiosity and interest in the discussed subject. By doing so, teachers will be delivering an activity in a way that actually motivates pupils to learn.

One should always keep in mind the basic concept of active teaching and learning processes, whereby students: 


    hear and forget;

    they see and remember;

    they do and understand.


Class group work and activities based on resource-based learning will entice students to take responsibility of their learning and to take ownership of their ideas and work.


By using appealing learning material students are actively involved in learning. This allows them to acquire team dynamic skills and process skills during their class presentations.


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